Tagged: ron carmel

World of Goo Co-creator: 90% Piracy Rate on Game

In a world full of pirates it can hardly be surprising that most of your customers are pirates themselves. In fact, World of Goo co-creator Ron Carmel admits that, stating that “about 90%” of their game’s users are pirates.

This comes from Carmel himself in the form of a comment on a RockPaperShotgun story about the game’s European release. In another post, Carmel’s colleague Kyle Gabler explained that the figure was given after looking at the number of unique IPs connecting to the game’s leaderboard server.

Even in the face of such rampant piracy, Carmel notes that they’re getting good sales through digital distribution platforms WiiWare and Steam, as well as their website, adding that they are “not going bankrupt just yet!”