Savage 2 for FREE

Coming as nothing but good news for everyone is an announcement from S2 Games who has declared that Savage 2: A Tortured Soul will be available for download via the S2 Games website for FREE. The complimentary version of the game will offer LAN play and against AI/practice mode; gamers who wish to go online must pay $30 for the full version.

Though the free download will not withhold any of the core gameplay elements, there will be certain features that will only be enabled in online play. The main feature that will be missing will be the ability to play against people online — other than those on their LAN. Additionally, for players wishing to build their character and save their overall stats, persistent items and experiences, purchasing an account for $29.99 will be the only way to go, thus allowing them to play the game online with other real players on servers hosted by S2 Games.

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